
Welcome to my site!

Shazi is a 16 year old writer, reader and daydreamer. (I turned 16, whoo!)

A person whose singing talent is very prominent in the bathroom everywhere.

Shazi is a lazy sloth person who loves the bed, and sleeps studies one-third of the day.

Although Shazi won’t call herself fat, she does consider herself extra healthy, and yeah, that is a thing (only for her though).

Did I mention Shazi is a girl?

Also, Shazi is from India. Namaste! नमस्ते! कोई हिन्दुस्तानी है इधर? 

Shazi has a dimple and a really annoying younger brother who shares the same trait on the exact same spot of their cheeks.

Shazi can be found wasting her days listening to songs, which are a major part of her and her life.

Wait… who the heck is Shazi again? This is just a penname…

And why did Shazi write this thing in third person? Beats me…

I have a twisted sense of humor, or, well, according to my mother, no humor at all [ Gee, thanks for that, मां (ma – mother)! ]


Without further ado, let’s go!

~  S h a z i  ~

16 thoughts on “About”

  1. I just want to say thank you so much for translating! You are literally the only one translating, and I can’t appreaciate how much that means! I wished I was good enough to help, and wished there are others to help you out. I hope you will continue to translate this novel even though it is ridiculously long! Thanks again for all your hard work 😊


  2. Hello Shazi! I am so in love with your translation of Bewitching Prince! I try to check every other day to see if you have Uploaded more to it. I would love to know if you really do have a Wattpad account in order to chat with you about your translations. If you do i will gladly get in talk to you to hopefully get some insights! Have a great day!!


  3. Hey there, Shazi!!!! I’m an Indian too….. hehe~ Even though I don’t know that much of Hindi, I know a little though… And also, I like your translations very much… I know it is hard, but hope you will not give up on translating… And one more thing, I’m 16 too😜, hope we can get along…

    And many thanks for your translations and don’t focus only on studies and translations and take care of your health too…

    Bye!!!! And again many thanks Shazi…


      1. Heyy I m Indian too n I’m 15 not 16 though n I loooooovvvvvveeeeee ur translations n I agree with her or him that take care of health n pls dont stop translating u r the last hope n i wonder how do u know Chinese do u not live here anyway that is irrelevant oh oh I m a girl too n I looovvveeee u,😍😍😍


    1. I have never really thought of getting paid. Due to classes and me being a pre-med student, I don’t always have time to translate. Though recently, I have been updating more than before. Getting paid means commitment for two or more chapters a day, which I’m not sure I can do.

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